Thursday, May 14, 2009

Electric Fencing

I started to put up the electric fence this week and this is an all new experience for me. I have no clue what I am doing and only hoping I don't electrocute myself. It seems fairly easy and not too labor intensive a couple of post and some insulator poles. I have almost got it fairly even and just need to set the post where my gate will be. This is where the pigs are going to go as I have an area I want them to really dig up. I am hoping they eat not only the brush in there but the weeds to. Then I can call them porkarators like Joe Salan does. Paul says's I need to stop reading books because I come up with all these hair brained ideas from all these books I read. I told him I was saving us money and not having to rent a big tractor to till up and clear the area. We not only get an area cleared but we get organic, clean and healthy meat too. Doesn't seem to be a down side to me.

The pigs are doing great and they are actually right now the easiest animals on the property to care for. They happily go about there business all day long of digging and eating and digging and eating. They stay in the pen we have them in until the fencing is ready without a problem. The goat on the other hand keeps landing on the back porch eating my plants. It's Pearl and she is the baby and totally a bad bad bad girl. Her mother Sage is happily out in the far field munching away. Don't get me wrong if she is anywhere close to the grain bins where we keep the chicken scratch, her grain and the pigs food she will knock them over. I will look out and there she is with her head in the bucket.

Markets started this week and went great. The weather was fantastic and the sales although a little lower were still good. I am not sure yet if this economy is going to effect the market this year and I am have hope that it isn't going to be too bad. This year the farm is all the income we have coming in due to Paul's layoff. So I am hoping to be able to eek out a living with it. This year will be a hard and true test. It's all in God's hands and I trust that with whatever comes I have my faith in him to endure.


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